Archive for the ‘pencilling’ Category


February 24, 2020


Hubert is always skeptical. About everything.

NOT A DOODLE: Baby Elephant Bye-bye

September 13, 2018

Baby Elephant painting_SMALL watermarked

Baby Elephant painting_DETAIL watermarked


A co-worker of mine is moving all the way across the stinkin’ country. She loves elephants, so I did this piece for her as our creative department’s way of saying ‘farewell’. I wanted to capture a field journal type of mood, so I kept the pencil work somewhat loose and the watercolor washes simple and monochromatic.

NOT A DOODLE: Paul and Jonah

March 18, 2014

Paul Jonah SMALL

A graphite illustration of Jonah (left) and Paul (right) that will be used as part of a larger, full-color piece for a magazine article at work. The article compares and contrasts Paul and Jonah’s responses to God.

Catching up on the pro side of things…

February 11, 2014

Lest you think all I ever do is doodle (and, granted, I do that A LOT), here are a few samples of my more recent illustration jobs. Sorry for the necessity of a watermark, but you know how dishonest and sneaky people out there in Webland can get.

Not YOU, of course, dear blog visitor… buuuut… other people.

It’s always other people.

Darn them.


Generous Life painting2 Lewis Grizzard FINAL A Clearer Path title page LOW

MEETING DOODLE: And the angel goes “TOOOOOOOOT!”

February 4, 2014

Lil Angel

(click to enlarge)

Kevin Kodiak loves him some good trash can grub.

March 27, 2013

Kodiak Grizzly Garbage Can SMALL


Meeting doodles are the main reason I will never have a true sketchbook full of my doodles. I don’t take sketchbooks to meetings, so I draw on whatever is handy. This big guy was doodled on the back of our magazine grid for the August 2013 issue of In Touch.

“X” is for Xenophobia

August 30, 2007


I was visiting my son’s kindergarten class the other day, and it struck me how monotonous those alphabet cards can get. You know the ones…A is for apple, B is for ball…and, of course, X is always for either xylophone or x-ray.

So I’m thinking of doing my own set of cards and sneaking them into his class. It would be something like “A is for asinine, B is for Brobdingnagian….X is for xenophobia”!

The only thing keeping me from doing this is the fact I couldn’t afford to pay for psychotherapy  for the entire kindergarten.

A Doofus & An Angry Duck

August 27, 2007



Not really much in the way of an explanation or comment on these two.

I’ll just let you guys decide why the duck is so spitting mad. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure ducks can spit.

As for the doofus….that one started as a skull and cross bones and went from there.

When Doodles Get Bored

August 20, 2007


Sometimes I get sidetracked doing other things and don’t have time to doodle (I know…sad, isn’t it), so the doodles start having to wait around for me to draw them. On occasion, one of them dozes off. And let me tell you, those guys can SNORE!!

If the snoring gets really bad, I have to hurry up and draw the doodle just to get that gosh-awful sound out of my head.

The Monster in the Living Room

August 17, 2007


A few days ago, I received an email that contained the phrase “taming the monster in the living room” in reference to TV.

I think I speak for all doodlers out there when I say that it’s a sin to let a phrase like that go undoodled!